Can lovebirds be kept with other birds

Can lovebirds be kept with other birds

Can lovebirds be kept with other birds: Lovebirds are birds of the parrot family, and are very popular. With their colorful plumage, they leave no one indifferent. They are increasingly adopted in France. If you keep lovebirds, you may have come to realize that these parrots are adorable and make great companions. Their breeding must … Read more



Lovebirds: With their bright colors and their resplendent plumage, the lovebirds make more than one crack. As their name clearly suggests, these birds, which are particularly easy to raise and educate, like to live in pairs. They are also docile, jovial, very affectionate, and, unlike other birds, they appreciate petting. Be careful, these parrots are also very … Read more

Rosy faced lovebird

rosy faced lovebird

Rosy faced Lovebird: displays beautiful colors. If the basic plumage is pale green and blue with an ivory-colored bill, other equally pretty mutations exist. Its name refers to its fidelity, the couples belonging to this species being particularly close. Another name: Pink-faced Lovebird Scientific name: Agapornis roseicollis Family Psittacidae Kind Agapornis Weight From 43 gr to … Read more