parrot protection: In a previous article ” How to stay motivated with your bird? »I had mentioned two essential points in order to stay motivated to maintain his bird and for the cohabitation to last…
Today, I am coming back to address in more detail the first point which is« the maintenance of the bird ».
The maintenance of the bird
Successful maintenance of his or her birds on a daily basis without taking the lead and without it becoming a chore is a necessity for successful cohabitation.
In addition, cleanliness is essential. On the one hand, so that the bird evolves in a healthy environment and thus to avoid diseases … And on the other hand for oneself and all the members of the family.
In order to meet all these conditions and make the maintenance of the bird easy, I will share with you my feedback according to the 5 rules. These rules have become essential to me.
It’s an organization that suits me perfectly but each of us is free to set up our own method as we see fit …
My 5 essential rules for the maintenance of the bird
- Rule number 1: a practical cage
For starters, the first thing to set up would be to have a practical cage. The cage must have at least one removable tray.
Removable tray
Personally, I will not make any concessions on this criterion since the removable tray allows me:
- Not to waste a lot of time changing the bottom of the cage. So 0 excuse to postpone cleaning.
- To clean the bottom of the cage several times a week for impeccable hygiene. I confess that it pleases my wife and at the same time I am quiet. No more derogatory remarks like “it’s dirty everywhere, it smells bad …” and so on lol.
- Rule number 2: bottom litter
Personally, I have only been using newspapers at the bottom of the cage for years. Some of my birds play with it but I find it quite hygienic and very absorbent.
For cleaning it’s really practical and you just have to pull the removable tray from the cage to roll up the soiled paper and exchange it.
To prevent birds from tearing the paper, a cage bottom grid is necessary in this case.
Tip: put several layers of paper to increase its strength and absorption capacity.
Important information!
I take this point to bring up the subject of inks in newspapers because there are a lot of beliefs that persist about the use of newspaper and the toxicity of ink, it comes from the time when it contained lead, which is past since 2001.
Now the inks currently used are lead-free and they are made from soybean oil, linseed oil, or other edible oils … for more information, it’s here.
Here is another link that demonstrates the exclusion of compounds hazardous to health and the environment in the manufacture of inks: Printing inks and the environment.
- Rule number 3: the trash can
It may seem a bit exaggerated but for me, it is important to have a trash can near the cages.
This way, I can throw all the waste directly into it (cage bottom, leftover food, etc.) w
ithout necessarily having to go back and forth several times. Thus, I avoid putting it everywhere during the journey, I do not waste time and fewer odors …
I use this type of stainless steel pedal bin (photo), sober, and practical. For the discerning, you can find designer bins that can easily blend into the home decor.
- Rule number 4: serve food
We often buy our seed mixes in bags of several Kg. The bags are generally bulky and not at all practical to serve our birds.
To overcome this problem, I use boxes of the distributor type (see photo). The box keeps the seeds well and it can hold a little more than a kg. A lightweight allows filling the feeders easily, quickly, and over several days.
I also use this type of dispenser box to store other foods such as egg food for example.

- Rule number 5: a remedy for scratches and dust
Who says seeds, says peelings and dust. The remedy to get rid of it is the vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming has become routine for me.
Despite the noise caused by the machine, my birds quickly got used to it, to the point that my cat-like parakeets think it is a storm, so a sign announcing the arrival of rain. I see it in their attitude and position to claim the watering and it’s really fun to watch.
I just invested in a hand vacuum cleaner. It’s quieter, lighter, and wireless. Very practical compared to a standard vacuum cleaner. I can use it even inside cages. He has become my everyday ally and my weapon with scratches and dust
Protectors of the Parrots – World Parrot Trust
SOURCE: World Parrot Trust