Conure parrot

Conure parrot: Some Information You Should Know About Green-cheeked Conure The seeds of sesame and pumpkin “better organic” contain calcium and zinc which help fertilization.

Sesame seeds also contain amnion acids that the parrot’s body cannot make. You can add them to their fruits and vegetables.

The kelp supplement contains iodine so can help with thyroid disorders like goiter, or alfalfa powder aids digestion and strengthens the immune system.

5 Things You Need To Know About Green-Cheeked Conures

The top ten bird killers:

Deprivation of water

Can have fatal results. The most common reason for this to happen is a water bottle malfunction.

If the sticks of the ball become blocked or if a bird stuffs an object into the tube, effectively blocking it, a conure parrot will be starved of water.

If an owner does not verify that all water bottles are working every day, or if the water level in the bottle is not observed to drop, it may be days before an owner identifies a problem.

Rarely, does the unthinkable happen and a conure parrot’s water bowl may go unfilled for days, or the bird may empty the bowl, which goes unnoticed, resulting in fatal dehydration. Most birds will die if the

Some Information You Should Know About Green-cheeked Conure

Uncut flight feathers

If the bird is roaming free outside its cage, its wings should be properly clipped. This means it can glide gracefully on land.

If the wings are not clipped properly, or if several primary wing feathers have regrown, an alarmed bird may fly around the house without order, or worse, perch on top of a tree!

If a conure parrot is frightened, it may mistake a window or mirror for open spaces, develop shock, bleeding inside the brain, ruptures, lacerations, ruptured air sacs, and other serious damage and potentially fatal.

I can’t tell you the number of times a client has told me that their bird with their feather does not fly, yet they call to inform me that it is flying away! The dangers outside are too numerous to list.

The birds inside flew into pots of boiling water, open dressers, windows, mirrors, fondue pots, and a lit fireplace, these are just a few of the dangers I have heard.

bad food for parrots

Cookware and other household items with a surface made from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) can be toxic to birds. If overheated (over 530 ° F), the gas released is extremely dangerous to birds and may result in death. However, even with normal use, some vapors may also be released, so Teflon cookware, irons, ironing blankets, and heat lamps with a PTFE layer should not be used around birds.

conure parrots that live in homes where there is smoke may develop coughing, sneezing, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis, which may resolve spontaneously if the bird is moved to a smoke-free area. Some birds exposed to smoke on occasion will develop chronic secondary bacterial infections, as well, which can prove fatal.

Many common household disinfectants and cleaning agents release fumes that can be toxic or fatal to birds. Chlorine bleach, phenols, and ammonia can all have dangerous fumes that can cause irritation, toxicosis, and even death.

foods toxic to parrots

A bird with properly clipped wings can develop the “cute” habit of descending to the bottom of its cage to seek out favorite family members. A particularly small bird walking on the floor can be easily injured by people who cannot see it.

  • crushed
  • closed door
  • bird entered washer, dryer, refrigerator
  • electric wire

Poisonous food or plants 

  • chocolate
  • lawyer
  • coffee
  • onions
  • house plants
  • spices

Foods That Are Toxic to Parrots | PARRONT TIP TUESDAY


Parrot and dog

conure parrots should never be left outside their cage unattended, especially if other animals, including other birds, share the same house.

Even if a dog or cat has acted completely trustworthy around a pet bird, it shouldn’t be trusted. Many birds have died due to another pet “playing” too hard with a bird, orbiting or stepping on the bird.

Hand feeding errors 

  • bird sold unweaned
  • feed the pie incorrectly
  • mix incorrectly
  • feed the wrong temperature
  • dirty utensils
  • forcing food into the baby bird resulting in aspiration, pneumonia, injuring the mouth with feeding equipment
  • keeping the baby bird at the wrong temperature
  • good hygiene
  • Practice, indiscriminate use of antibiotics

Diseases caused by owners

Although it is fun to bring baby birds to bird shows, and association meetings, it is very dangerous for babies.

Infections can be spread to young conure parrots, even though the air, even if the owner is diligent about not allowing direct contact with the young.

Many diseases can prove fatal, especially polyomavirus. Adult birds are also at risk from the same sources, such as at the pet store.

Mixing hummingbird food

Unfortunately, a bird can have a disease, and passing it on to others appears to be sick.

Proventricular dilatation disease (PDD), chlamydiosis (psittacosis), beak and feather disease (PBFD), and Pacheco disease can all be responded to by birds that appear healthy in physical appearance.

Giardia, “a one-celled protozoan organism”, can be shed by a bird ingesting food or water contaminated by the droppings of an infected bird.

Remember that not all of us are examining them for some of the diseases birds can have! Deliberately exposing birds to other birds, even if they have been checked by a veterinarian, is dangerous and should be avoided, or kept to an absolute minimum.

Many parrot green cheek owners make a common mistake when adding a new pet to the family.

Regardless of the bird’s origin, and any test on the new bird, it should be quarantined for at least a month, preferably two, before it is brought into the home. There is very healthy logic to this.

If the bird harbors an infectious agent, the stress of moving the bird to a new home may precipitate it breaking with signs of clinical disease.

Not every person can afford to examine a new bird, so quarantine can often protect already established birds in the family from the risk of disease. And conversely, a bird of the family can have an infection that

Owners should understand that it is dangerous for birds to have direct contact with their mouths. We carry bacteria and fungi which can cause serious infection or even death.

Birds should not be allowed to be kissed with an open mouth, nor any contact with the owner’s teeth, tongue, lips, or saliva.

Exposed to heat

Exotic birds, originating from hot tropical climates, cannot tolerate excessive heat.

Children, dogs, cats, other pets, and birds should never be left in a car during hot weather, even with the windows partially down. Temperatures inside a car can quickly reach lethal levels.

Heat can also kill a green cheek conure parrot in a more insidious way. An owner can place the cage outside in the morning, and as the sun glides across the sky during the day, the bird may end up having the direct sun on it in the afternoon.

Without having a place to escape the sun, a bird can quickly develop hyperthermia and die. Most birds with hyperthermia will try to get out of the sun and may try to bathe to cool down, if possible.

Hyperthermia can also occur if a bird’s cage is placed by a window without shade to escape the sun.

Hyperthermia can also occur in an incubator if the temperature is set too high, or if the incubator is malfunctioning.

Sleep with birds

Birds should sleep in their cages. A conure parrot that is allowed to sleep in bed with their owners is at serious risk of suffocation or lifelong trauma.

Even though an owner has slept with the bird for a while, there is always the chance that the bird will be lodged between the mattress and furniture, suffocated under a pillow, or rolled over during deep sleep.

While it’s fun to read or watch TV in bed or on the sofa with a pet bird, if there’s a chance you might fall asleep, it’s time to return the bird to its cage.

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