How long do parrots live

How long do parrots live

How long do parrots live: The name of the parrot is given to the loud birds of many colors that belong to the parrot family ( Psittacidae ), and the parrot is considered one of the pets that a person can raise at home because it is an entertaining and intelligent parrot. it is also … Read more

Life span of a parrot

Life span of a parrot

Life span of a parrot: Parrots are particularly beautiful birds, renowned for their colorful feathers and the ability of some species to formulate words. Moreover, the many qualities of parrots make them very popular pets. Another of these qualities is that parrots have a very long life expectancy. Which parrot lives the longest Parrots are a large … Read more

Parrot lifespan

Parrot lifespan

Parrot lifespan:  Parrots can live 15 to 20 years as pets, but their lifespans are much shorter in the wild. Unlike many other mammals and birds, parrots live much longer. And this is one of the main characteristics of pet parrots: their long lifespan, whether in captivity or in the wild. However, parrots live longer … Read more