Parakeet male and female

Parakeet male and female

Parakeet male and female: The parakeet is a pet bird that has become very popular over the years. It must be said that their sociable and friendly character as well as their attractive physique have everything to seduce! When you’ve made the decision to adopt a parakeet, you may wonder whether it’s best to choose … Read more

Parakeet male or female

parakeet male and female

Parakeet male or female: Sexual dimorphism (difference in appearance between males and females of a species) is not a rule that can be applied to all parrot species, as most of them cannot tell the difference at first glance between males and females, this only being possible by analysis or an expert. Palpable differences in … Read more

Parrot sexing

How to determine the sex of your parrot

Parrot sexing: There are several techniques for determining the sex of a bird, but are they all reliable? Unfortunately, there are several unreliable techniques often used by breeders to determine the sex of birds, including: The pelvic gap involves feeling the lower abdomen with your fingertip to measure the spacing between the pelvic bones. The … Read more