Blue-throated macaw

Blue-throated macaw: It doesn’t matter if you fall in love with this bird-like macaw, you’ll have to put aside your desire to have him as a roommate. But what do you lose by finding out more about the Blue-throated Macaw?

Blue throated macaw personality

Known by the scientific name Ara glaucogularis, it belongs to the parrot family and is endemic to the Moxos Plains, in northern Bolivia, where it is known as the blue-bearded parakeet. Although it has been said that there may also be specimens in Paraguay and Chile, this is something that is quite debatable these days.

Due to the high demand for this species for 30 years to have as a pet, its populations are reduced, leaving about 350 specimens in the wild at the moment and it is forbidden to capture and sell it.

Within the family of macawsit is the one that receives the most names since it is also known by the names of blue-throated macaw, blue and yellow macaw (not to be confused with the Ara ararauna ), canine macaw, scarlet macaw, blue-throated macaw.

Blue throated macaw vs blue and gold

blue throated macaw

It could be said that it is one of the largest specimens of the macaw family since it measures between 95 and 105 centimeters and usually weighs around 800 grams. It does not have sexual dimorphism, so it is quite difficult to differentiate males from females without a DNA test.

Its back is as blue as its dorsal on the Blue-throated macaw, while the tail takes on a light blue hue as it approaches the end of the back. Its belly is yellow. Some confuse it with the Ara ararauna, but the big difference is that in its throat it has a broad turquoise blue barber on the Blue-throated Macaw, while in the other specimen, it is black and less extensive. His forehead is blue and he has a region without white feathers.

It seems that it is a bird that does not present many problems to the presence of humans or other parrots, so we could say that it is a bird that nature trusts, which has caused many problems of illegal hunting for later sale in stores.

Blue throated macaw facts


Blue throated macaw breeders

blue throated macaws

As it is a bird at high risk of extinction, it is not possible to keep it as a pet parrot. Those who have it at home are experienced breeders who have the necessary permits to ensure continuity by breeding a few specimens to increase their population, although this does not seem very successful.

First of all, Ara canindé it is a nomadic species, unlike other species of birds, which makes it difficult to establish a good habitat for these birds. Their breeding season is between October and December, which coincides with the rainy season, and they appear to be monogamous birds that spend their entire lives with the same pair.

They build their nests inside dry tree trunks, creating a cavity with their beak. The female is responsible for incubating the eggs for an average of 30 days (two to three eggs), while the male feeds her.

After this period, the chicks spend about three months in the nest with their mother, until they learn to fly and eventually leave the nest to explore other areas of the house or to look for a mate.

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