How to distract a green cheek conure: Even though they are among the smallest species of parrots, green cheek conure has an extravagant personality.
To distract them, you need to give them plenty of toys that they can shake, rattle, chew, and tear off while leaving them out of the cage for a long time.
Even if they like to socialize, you can keep them from getting bored when you’re not at home by offering them things to watch and things that make noise. And who knows? After all this, maybe the conure is going to distract you!
Conure toys
Good chew toys will keep her busy while preventing her from poking around on your furniture. You should always leave things for him to gnaw on in his cage. Here’s what you might consider:
- blocks of balsa or pine wood
- leather bands or rope
- wicker balls
- grass carpets
- wicker baskets
- old books and newspapers
- fruits and vegetables (such as carrots, celery, lettuce, and apples)
Find toys for their paws
Conures like to play with their legs. Try to give them items that they can grab, spin, and throw. Find them, for example, holey balls, rattles, blocks with holes, or small wooden dumbbells.
Give them toys that make noise. Conures like to make noise. Try to put a bell in the cage so that they can shake it. Rattles and keychains with hanging metal toys can also keep them busy for hours.
Hide treats so they can find them
Conures like to forage for their food. Even if you feed them well, they will spend a lot of time looking for treats hidden in the cage.
Put sticks and branches with leaves in them and hide toys or treats to provide them with a natural environment where they can look for their food. To keep them occupied, you can also hide treats and toys in the following items:
- cereal boxes
- rolled up newspapers
- a block of wood with a hole
- boxes of eggs
- intertwined branches of vines or weeping willow
- finch nests
- condiment boxes filled with birdseed

Alternate the toys for green cheek conure
If the conure stops playing with some of the parrot toys, it’s time to give her some new ones. Don’t throw out the old ones. Take them out of her cage until she starts to miss the new ones. You can then alternate the different toys. She will play with the old toys as if they were new.
If she doesn’t play with a new toy after a day or two, take it out and try another day.
If the toy is dirty or sticky, it might help to clean it to make it more interesting to the bird.
Conure cage
Conures are animals that love to stretch their wings and explore the house. They might even come and spend some time with you. Give them at least an hour a day outside the cage.
You should always watch them when they are outside the cage to avoid accidents.
Be sure to prepare your house before letting the bird out. Close the windows and turn off the fans. There should not be any bare electrical wires or scented candles left within easy reach.
Monitor the conure at all times in the presence of other animals and children. If your other animals behave aggressively towards the bird, you should put them in a separate room.
Conure bath
The conure likes a good bath every two or three days. Fill the tub with water and place the bird in it. Once inside, she goes to wash.
If she doesn’t, you can sprinkle a little water on her to encourage her. Once she’s done, wrap her in a towel to gently wipe her off.
You can also use a plastic container or dog bowl to bathe him. The dish should be large enough for her to walk on without any problem.
If she doesn’t want to wash, take her out and try again on another day.
Take her out with a harness
The conure could have a lot of fun if you take it out of the house. However, to prevent it from flying away, you must tie it up.
Put her in a harness and let her rest on your shoulder while you hold her leash. You can also transport it in a cage.
If it’s her first time outside, she might be nervous. Don’t take it out for too long.
Even if you’ve cut off the tips of her wings, she can still run away if she finds herself outside.
You should always use a harness with a leash or carrying box when you take her out of the house.
Spend time on a screened porch if possible. This allows him to get used to being outside while enjoying some fresh air without taking the risk of losing the bird.
Play hello. Like children, conures like to play cuckoo. Hide your face behind a wall or other object.
Let her come and find you. Suddenly pop up and say “hi! Soon, it will be your bird that will go into hiding.
Play ball with conure
If your green cheek conure likes to throw things, you can play with it by throwing a ball at it. Roll a plastic ball toward the bird.
She could grab it and throw it back to you. Catch the ball and roll it back towards the bird. Keep playing until she loses interest in the ball.
Depending on the size of the bird, you can use ping pong balls, cat balls with holes, golf ball-size rope balls, and other bird balls.
Leave the television on for conure
A little background noise can help the bird feel more comfortable while you are away from home. You can leave a documentary on animal life, classical music, or a radio show.
Put the cage near a window. Set it up near a window so the conure can see what’s going on outside. Be sure to keep shutters and curtains open. She might then like to watch birds or people walking past the tiles.
Watch the heat and light it receives while standing in front of the window to prevent it from getting too hot while you are not at home.
Adopt a companion
Conures are generally social animals. They enjoy the company of other conures and sometimes even other parrots. The birds can then keep each other occupied while you are away
Be sure to choose a bird whose personality is compatible with that of your conure.
Conures are notorious for biting. If she bites you, get up and walk away. If the bird is out of its cage, put it back in and stop giving it attention or treats.