Parrot stress

Parrot stress: Behavioral and health problems in parrots are, for the most part, the result of a state of stress caused by changes in their habits.

What are the sources of stress in parrots? How to recognize a stressed parrot? How to calm a stressed bird? Stress can have a detrimental effect on your health, and knowing how to recognize and treat it is important.

Sources of stress in parrots

Many factors can create a state of stress in a parrot. They are sensitive beings and the slightest change in their life can have repercussions on their health.

Parrot Environment

Acquiring a parrot subjects it to a very stressful modification of its environment. Leaving peers, transport, arriving in a new cage, and the presence of strangers are major sources of stress.

A parrot that changes homes needs a period of adaptation to take new bearings and get used to a new way of life. Consider that it is starting from scratch and that it is a step that can be very stressful.

A move or a change of cage/aviary is also a source of stress.

Parrot cage

It is common for the habitat of the parakeet to be the cause of its discomfort. A cage that is too small, placed in an empty room, or on the contrary too busy or even overcrowded are sources of stress.

For it to be healthy, a parrot needs a cage adapted to its needs. It should be large enough for him to fly and contain enough perches and games. If he lives with congeners, they must be compatible and each must have enough space.

The location of the cage also matters. It is better to avoid rooms that are too lively in which the television or the cries of children are frequent. A parrot needs calm but will not like a place that is too isolated either.

Parrot food

poor diet will have adverse effects on the parrot’s health such as deficiencies and poor form. A bird that is in poor health is, by definition, a stressed bird. It is important to ensure that the parrot’s diet is varied and adapted to his needs.

The same goes for the hygiene of the cage which, if it is poor, favors the proliferation of bacteria, the appearance of worms, parasites, and diseases. The parrot cage should be cleaned frequently to remove droppings and accessories must be disinfected.

loneliness and boredom

It is in your best interest to give your parrot time, especially if it lives alone. An environment rich in games will allow him to occupy himself in your absence while having fun, but it is imperative that you play with it.

If your parakeet is too bored and suffers from loneliness, it may waste away, this can be fatal to its health.

Signs of stress in parrots

Stressed parrot feathers

There are two types of stress – physical and psychological. Physical stress can be divided into two types: emergency stress, such as a situation that poses an immediate threat, and ongoing stress, such as the overcrowding of a cage. Psychological stress more generally results from a change in one’s habits and lifestyle.

Stress in the parrot is manifested by abnormal behavior: loss of appetite, lack of hydration, loss of feathers, dull plumage, change in the appearance of droppings, pricks itself, no longer singing, its wings hanging down, it remains prostrate in a corner of the cage, etc.

Any abnormal sign in his behavior could be a symptom of a state of stress. When a parrot is stressed, its immune system weakens and it is then more vulnerable to diseases.

Limit stress in the parrot

There are products that have the function of soothing a stressed parrot but beware, these should not be used as a remedy but as a supplement to help the bird through this bad period. For example, in the case of a move, the arrival of a new congener, a change of cage, or any other disturbing event.

Here is a list of anti-stress products for birds  :

  • Anti-stress syrup – Naturals Octave
  • Lotion Ocalme bird – Naturals Octave
  • Tabernil Anti-stress
  • Greentonic – Greenvet
  • Winner Stress – Manitoba

If you think your parrot is stressed or unhappy, find the cause of his anxiety by observing his environment for what may have changed or what may not be right for him. A veterinarian or other specialist in bird behavior can help you find the source of the stress.

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