Cockatiel talks

Cockatiel talks: Many parakeet keepers wonder if this animal can talk. Here we give you the answer.

These precious birds belonging to the cockatoo family can be the amazing company for a human. And this for about 20 years. However, being a little-known exotic bird, many people have an unavoidable question: can cockatiels talk?

In the following lines, we answer this question, in addition to providing general information about these birds ( Nymphicus hollandicus ). As always when it comes to animals, the more we know about them, the more we will be able to ensure their happiness and health. Don’t miss this article!

Cockatiel behavior

Cockatiel behavior

Nymphic parakeets, as good Psittacidae, are incredibly intelligent parrots. In addition, they have a friendly temperament and are generally endowed with greater mental stability than other species. This is why they have a lower incidence of behavioral problems.

These parrots adapt easily to life with humans and have a great facility for communicating and bonding with their cohabitants. However, it is essential to accustom them to physical contact in order to be able to handle them without stress.

On the other hand, you should keep in mind that these parrots are noisy. Screaming is part of their vocal interaction, and trying to silence them encourages them to scream more.

Can cockatiel talk

Parrots imitate human language, but they don’t use it as we doIn other words, a cockatoo can say ” food” and associate this term with receiving food, but it does not have the ability to endow this vocalization with grammar or semantics.

So, do cockatiel parakeets talk? They are able to articulate certain syllables and short words, but they are more inclined to imitate sounds such as melodies, whistles, or environmental sounds.

Being small animals – they weigh around 90 grams – their tongue and beak are not large enough to pronounce clearly. For this reason, the vocalization of nymphic parakeets is not very precise.

Also, they don’t have vocal cords. To emit sounds, they use the syrinx, a vocal organ located under their trachea which vibrates with the passage of air from the lungs.

It’s easy to be tempted to adopt a nymph parakeet or other exotic bird for this very special characteristic of speech. However, as always, the notion of responsibility is essential when it comes to welcoming animals into your home: you have to ensure their well-being.

Parrot behavior is complex and sometimes difficult to manage. If nymphs talk, it could be due to sound training as well as a lack of environmental stimulation. Make sure this behavior is not a sign of discomfort.

SOURCE: African Grey Parrot Pet

At what age can they start talking?

Like any animal, cockatiel parakeets have a period of maturation during which they develop the communication skills to live in groups. They can start talking around the age of 4 months because this is also the period during which they learn most easily.

However, training will take time, perhaps several months. Keep in mind that birds are learning to be adults and speaking like a human is not part of their instinct. A tip: they will be very curious and eager to play, so you can use these behaviors to your advantage.

How to teach cockatiel to talk

The most important thing is that the animal’s learning is perceived as a game. If you have decided to do this training with your bird, here are some tips to get good results:

  • Bond with your parakeet. You need to do this before training. Understanding each other and building trust is key to making the process work.
  • Make sure the animal is healthy and happy. If this is not the case, the bird will have no motivation to satisfy your requests.
  • Train your parakeet in a quiet place. cockatiel parakeets tend to be distracted by their surroundings, so training can become a source of frustration.
  • Go slowly. Start with short words and syllables, preferably during everyday times like mealtime or playtime. Use words you like and repeat them over and over again.
  • Use positive reinforcement. When she performs the exercise correctly, reward her with treats or treats. Punishment obviously leads nowhere.
  • Be patient. This tip is the most basic. Your cockatiel may never learn to talk, but the training should still be enjoyable for her.

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