Its song is very soft and looks more like twittering.
Despite her calm, she is also playful, active, and needs stimulation (branches, toys, etc.). Often it is observed leaning on its perch, head down and tail raised. She loves to snuggle up in tents as you can see here, or under our sweaters …
Her indolence can sometimes suggest that she is not in good health, but it is not.

Catherine’s parakeet is suitable for beginners. In addition, it is easily tamed, especially if you practice.
For its housing, a cage of 1m long X 50cm wide is a minimum for a couple. However, it can live in a community aviary with species such as cockatiels and euphemism (turquoises, Bourke, splendid…).
The Catherine Parakeet is a small parakeet of about 16 cm, this small size being a characteristic of the genus Bolborhynchus.
Its longevity is about 15 years. Its general coloring is green with a striped effect on the lower parts produced by the black border of the feathers.
The central rectrices of the male are almost entirely black while this color concerns only less than half of the surface of these feathers in the female.
Sexual dimorphism
There is only one way to be certain of a bird’s sex, and that is to determine it by DNA. It is possible to rely on the number of black feathers (only in green or blue varieties) present on the shoulders, central rectrices, and flight feathers. Indeed, males, in general, have more.
The only dimorphism, if any, is morphological because even if it is not uncommon to find males calmer than females and vice versa, this is not a sufficient criterion to mark the difference.
Often the males are larger (the beak is also larger), but the size is not enough either. In the lutino, criminal, and gray wing varieties, DNA sexing is essential to know the sex of the bird.
Lineolated Parakeets Talking
SOURCE: Love of Pets
This is not easy to recognize in lineolated parakeets. However, some breeders watch the amount of black on the tail and shoulders.
Little black could be a sign of a female and vice versa. Regularly, some birds are therefore judged incorrectly in terms of sex. If you want to be completely sure then it is best to let a DNA sex test be done.
Ps: This method of observing the black of the tail is not possible with inos, turquoises inos, or gray wings.
On the other hand, it is also possible to sex the young in the nest. However, you need couples with very specific mutations and experience …
Catherine parakeet technical sheet
Geographical distribution | America (Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia) |
Family | Psittacidae |
Scientific name | Bolborhynchus lineola |
Physical description | The wild type has a green body streaked with black. There are several mutations of green, blue, yellow |
Life expectancy | +/- 10 years |
Cut | On average 16 cm |
Weight | 50-60g |
Sexual dimorphism | There are some mutations (blue, green): the presence of more black on the 2 central rectrices and the shoulders – No dimorphism for the inos, turquoise inos, or gray wings |
Sexual maturity | around 10 months (or even before), for reproduction wait at least 1 year |
Number of eggs | 4 to 6 eggs (up to 10), once every other day |
Incubation time | 21 to 23 days |
Lineolated parakeet diet | A mixture of seeds for parakeets, fruits, vegetables, wild plants (dandelion, plantain, alfalfa …) |
The lineolated parakeet is naturally endowed with a calm, gentle character. Each gesture is reproduced with the greatest of precautions, prudence, and gentleness.
She is also known to tame without much difficulty, although patience is the key to success. She prefers to climb than to fly; she excels in all kinds of acrobatics.
Lineolated Parakeet as Pets
SOURCE: Love of Pets
The lineolated parakeet is an attractive bird from different angles, both as a pet, for breeding, and for lovers of mutations.
It is no wonder that this is a very popular species. That said, it is an excellent bird that I recommend. “do not hesitate to make your choice”.