Parrots bite

Parrots bite: parrots can be very docile pets, but their behavior can change. An aggressive parrot has its reasons, it will not start attacking you or attacking its congeners in an unexplained way. It is important to take the context into account in order to find a reason for this aggressive behavior, sometimes a simple detail can be the cause.

Why is my budgie attacking meWhat causes aggression in parrotsWhat should I do when my parrot bites meWhat solutions for my aggressive parrot? We tell you more about the aggressiveness of parakeets and we give you solutions .

My parrot has been aggressive since I bought it

If your parrot has been reluctant to have you around since you bought it, there may be several reasons for this. In any case, know that it is always possible to tame your parrot to change its behavior.

How keeping a parrot has an influence on its future character. There are indeed three ways to raise a newly born parrot: by the hand of the breederby the parents, or by manipulation in the nest. These three methods socialize the bird differently to the man,

for example in the case of breeding by the parents the breeder does not intervene during the first weeks of life of the chick, so the parakeet is not accustomed to humans and can be wild. This is why it is important to learn about the breeding method practiced by the breeder in order to better understand the taming of your parrot.

In addition, a parrot that leaves the family nest to find itself in a new environment will be disoriented and will need time to adapt. Gently taming your parrot will help you gain her trust, so she won’t be defensive when you approach and won’t attack you.

Even if it is preferable to start approaching your parakeet as soon as it arrives, it is always possible to socialize it later but it may take longer. Arming yourself with patience will be necessary.

Why does my parrot bite me

Why does my parrot bite meParrots bite

Before considering punishing a parrot that bites, you must analyze the context. The pinch is not necessarily a sign of gratuitous aggression! It is often a means for the parrot to communicate with you that results from an initial non-verbal communication that you have not taken into account.

For example, if you approach your bird to pick it up but it is not inclined to handle it, its attitude will show it to you: puffing out plumage, firm gaze, etc.

However, if despite this you do not understand your parrots refusal to be manipulated, his reaction in order to express himself will be to opt for a more effective mode of communication: biting.

If this happens, yelling at your bird will do nothing except reinforce its aggressive behavior. Learn to decipher the behavior of your parrot so that it does not have to use a strong way to make itself understood

Positive reinforcement to teach a parrot not to bite is the best solution. Birds are not able to understand the punishment or even the “no” that one would say to a dog or a cat. Rewarding them for good behavior and ignoring them for bad is the most appropriate way. Thus, each good deed must be rewarded: a treat, a caress, a toy, etc.

In the case where the parrot bites or pinches on its own initiative, two reasons can explain its behavior. First, boredom and lack of attention can cause your parrot to come and let you know it wants to play. The second reason can be a bad habit adopted by the parrot in its youth due to poor education.

In any case, we will have to teach him not to bite. To do this, as soon as the parrot goes to bite you, you will have to pick it up, move it away from you and ignore it: don’t look at it, don’t talk to it, pretend it isn’t there. Every time she is about to pinch or bite you, you will have to reject her.

But as soon as she comes back and adopts a less aggressive behavior, you should immediately reward her with a treat, a caress or by playing with her. The positive reinforcement method will make him adopt the right behavior since the result is more pleasant for him than being ignored.

Aggressive parrot

are female parakeets more aggressiveParrots bite

The question of territoriality arises when birds live in captivity in a closed and sometimes restricted space. The lack of space will push individuals to defend the small living space they enjoy, sometimes using violence.

Even the most gregarious birds need respect for their comfort zone and personal space, it will be difficult for them to have this zone in an aviary that is too small. Of course, the only solution is to provide them with a larger habitat so that everyone can find their place.

This observation is also made at the level of the accessories of the aviary. In order to prevent the parrots from becoming aggressive towards their congeners who want to play with the swing, the number of games and accessories must be proportional to the number of birds in the group.

The arrival at sexual maturity

Hormone spikes can cause budgies to suddenly change their behavior, sometimes with aggression towards conspecifics and/or humans. This behavior, which is not worrying, is generally observed in subjects who have just reached their sexual maturity or are in the reproductive period. This is normal behavior and not uncommon in parrots.

Aggression in parrots is a phenomenon that is rarely free, when a parrot becomes violent there is always a reason: lack of socialization, means of communication, lack of attention, or territoriality… Each cause of aggression has its own solution.

However, each case is unique and requires an appropriate solution. If despite our advice you are unable to change the behavior of your parrot, do not hesitate to submit your situation in the comments or in the forum dedicated to birds so that other members can give you an answer.

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