Parrot adoption

Parrot adoption: The decision to adopt a parrot should be well thought out. You need to consider if you have the necessary time and if you can offer him a place to live. In this reflection, you must also take into account the multitude of possible species for adoption. You need to find the parrot that suits you. We will help you there.

Parrot as pet

A parrot is beautiful, it sings. It’s a part of the wonder that comes into your home. If you want a parrot with superb colors, choose a parakeet. Male budgies can learn to say a few words. Parrots, of course, can learn to talk, especially the amazon parrot or the African gray parrot. If you want to adopt a parrot whose song is very pleasant to hear, opt for a cockatoo. Male cockatiels. A parrot is also an intelligent and very interesting animal to observe.

One of the disadvantages of adopting a parrot is the noise produced by the animal, an almost continuous noise. In addition, it will often be necessary to clean its cage and vacuum around it. The cage should be as spacious as possible and placed in a quiet place. If your apartment is very small, and the environment is stressful, it may not be a good idea to adopt a parrot. Finally, parrots are generally not recommended birds for young children. The latter risk scaring the parrot, or having their fingers bitten through the bars of the cage.

Rare parrot

You will find your parrot in a pet store, or at a breeder. Prefer a young animal, that is to say, two to three months old. It is often a good idea to buy a young breeding parrot, accustomed to captivity. He must be weaned, that is to say, he must no longer be fed by syringe and must be able to eat on his own. The plumage of a healthy parrot is shiny and smooth. He moves easily in the cage. His gaze is lively and his eyes do not cry.

If your child insists on having a parrot at home, opt for a calm species, such as adopting a cockatiel. This species is known to be very cuddly. If you have little time, choose several canaries or mandarins, or a pair of parakeets. These species require less attention. Conversely, if you want to have a real companion at home, prefer a single parakeet or a tamed parrot. You can even exchange a few words…

Parrot care

Parrot care

You will need a fairly large cage. It will also be necessary to plan a food budget, and food adapted to the chosen parrot. So, for example, lovebirds eat small seeds, which they catch exclusively with their beaks, while parrots, which use their paws to eat, prefer larger seeds.

For the good health of your parrot, it is necessary to ensure good hygiene, that is to say, to clean the cage regularly, and to change every day the water of its drinker, and its seeds. The bottom of the cage is cleaned with hot water, with a washing-up liquid, and rinsed well in the end.

You will have to cut the claws of your parrot, in order to prevent them from becoming too long, and sometimes also the tip of the beak, for example, that of the parakeets. It is also necessary to take care of his mind, by spending time every day with him, to avoid depression. In case of altered plumage, tremors, breathing difficulties, or low mobility… take him to a veterinarian.

Parrot lifespan

A parrot lives between 5 and 10 years for small species, even up to more than 50 years for large parrots: it’s a beautiful story that begins. So which parrot are you going to adopt?

SOURCE: African Grey Parrot Pet


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