Bathing a parakeet

Bathing a parakeet

Bathing a parakeet is essential. You should know that this type of parrot is very demanding in terms of hygiene. It is particularly attached to the constant cleanliness of its plumage. The latter depends on its ability to fly and move. But it is also a question of health and well-being. Immersion in water allows … Read more

Why won’t my parakeet eat

Why won't my parakeet eat

Why won’t my parakeet eat: A parakeet that isn’t eating shouldn’t worry you so much. Indeed, a lack of appetite is not necessarily a sign of a serious internal disease or injury. It is rather, most of the time, a trivial problem that can be solved in a few minutes. So if you’re wondering ” why isn’t my parakeet … Read more

Can lovebirds be kept with other birds

Can lovebirds be kept with other birds

Can lovebirds be kept with other birds: Lovebirds are birds of the parrot family, and are very popular. With their colorful plumage, they leave no one indifferent. They are increasingly adopted in France. If you keep lovebirds, you may have come to realize that these parrots are adorable and make great companions. Their breeding must … Read more

Parakeet disease

Parakeet disease

Parakeet disease: Knowing and knowing how to detect the main diseases of parakeets is essential to be able to act quickly at the first signs. Very often, when we notice the signs of a disease, the latter is already at an advanced stage and the life of the parakeet is already in danger. But above all, a sick parakeet … Read more

Turquoise parakeets

Turquoise parakeets

Turquoise parakeets from Australia are very pleasant parrots. In addition, this parakeet seems very suitable for people who live in apartments. Indeed, the Turquoise is a silent parakeet. The plumage of the Turquoisine parakeet features several colors. The head of this parakeet delivers shades of blue hues. The wings and back of this parakeet are shimmering … Read more

Adopt a parakeet

Adopt a parakeet

Adopt a parakeet: parakeets are pleasant and beautiful parrots with a quiet temperament. Little known, in comparison with the wavy parakeets, it nevertheless remains a parakeet that deserves attention. But before adopting a parakeet, knowledge about its way of life is required. Where to adopt a parakeet? How to take good care of a parakeet? What … Read more

How does parrot talk

How does parrot talk

How does parrot talk: The parrot living in its natural state uses cries to alert of danger and find a partner with whom it will remain throughout its life. Initially, its ability to imitate allows it to deceive its predators by reproducing a cry close to another animal. So much so that the parrot living in contact with humans … Read more

Amazon parrot for adoption

Amazon parrot for adoption

Amazon parrot for adoption:  Adopting an Amazon parrot is very tempting, seeing this parrot with sparkling colors every day is a delight. Moreover, who wouldn’t dream of having their talking parrot, an animal so lively and full of life? However, having a parrot is a big responsibility and it is a choice that must be carefully considered. Especially since these … Read more

Life span of a parrot

Life span of a parrot

Life span of a parrot: Parrots are particularly beautiful birds, renowned for their colorful feathers and the ability of some species to formulate words. Moreover, the many qualities of parrots make them very popular pets. Another of these qualities is that parrots have a very long life expectancy. Which parrot lives the longest Parrots are a large … Read more

Rio parrot

Rio parrot

Rio parrot: The Spix’s macaw, a blue parrot, became known to the general public in 2011 thanks to the cartoon Rio. Once considered an extinct species in the wild, its recent reintroduction into the wild is a success. Through the character of Blue, the parrot from the “Rio” saga, the public was able to discover the Spix’s … Read more